Dance Reality: Learn How To Cut A Rug with ARKit…
Dance Reality: Learn How To Cut A Rug with ARKit“Dance Reality uses Apple’s latest augmented reality technology to place footprints onto the floor in front of you. You look through your phone to step…
The 10 Coolest Things Being Built with Apple’s ARKit Right Now
Apple’s ARKit has been out for developers since it was announced last month. Because of the mind-boggling number of iPhones and iPads capable of running ARKit, the new tool is already spreading its augmented reality wings across the Internet thanks to a diverse set of developers. Here we take a look at some of the coolest publicly-shared AR projects …
Apple AR: Learn to Dance at Home Using AR App ‘Dance Reality’
Two salsa dancers who also happen to be programmers are soon releasing an app called “Dance Reality,” made with Apple’s ARKit. Through this app, you will be able to practice your dancing with augmented reality as your teacher right from your iPhone. According to their website, some of the features on the Dance Reality app include: Controlling your speed to learn at your own pace. Voice-over counting to help you stay on the beat. The ability to choose your own music. The ability to choose between following and leading the steps. Solo and couple practice. Instructional videos from trained
Dance Reality: Học nhảy ứng dụng công nghệ thực tế tăng cường (AR)
Công nghệ thực tế tăng cường (AR) đã chính thức được hỗ trợ trên iOS 11 thông qua bộ ARKit, đến nay đã bắt đầu có nhiều demo ấn tượng về công nghệ này, ngoài ra cũng bắt đầu có những ứng dụng sử dụng ARKit để phát triển như trường hợp Dance Reality.
This Incredible ARKit App Will Teach You How to Dance
Apple’s ARKit is already proving to be a powerful toolset for app developers, as we’ve seen in recent examples. And while some ARKit-powered apps are solidly in the novelty category, there are others that have definite real-world practicality. In the latter category, an upcoming app called Dance Reality could help you become a better dancer. Created by two salsa-loving app developers, Dance Reality cleverly uses ARKit to give users augmented reality dance lessons — all from their mobile device. The app works by “placing” virtual footprints on the ground to aid …
Dance Reality – nauka tańca z ARKit w iOS 11 na iPhonie
Kilkukrotnie już pisałem o ARKit, czyli o nowym frameworku rzeczywistości rozszerzonej od Apple, który znalazł się w iOS 11. Prezentowałem też przykłady tego, co za jego pomocą można zrobić. Były to głównie demonstracje, proste gry, a czasem także programy użytkowe. Ciekawym przykładem wykorzystania rzeczywistości rozszerzonej ARKit jest aplikacja Dance Reality, służąca do nauki tańca.
This Incredible ARKit App Will Teach You How to Dance
Apple’s ARKit is already proving to be a powerful toolset for app developers, as we’ve seen in recent examples. And while some ARKit-powered apps are solidly in the novelty category, there are others that have definite real-world practicality. In the latter category, an upcoming app called Dance Reality
Dance Reality, l’app ARKit che ti insegna i passi di danza
Dance Reality è una nuova applicazione di realtà aumentata, realizzata con ARKit di Apple e che sarà disponibile su App Store con l’arrivo di iOS 11. Ecco di cosa si tratta. Dance Reality sfrutta la realtà aumentata e i nuovi framework condivisi da Apple per aiutare l’utente ad esercitarsi nel ballo, mostrando sul pavimento i giusti passi da completare. Andy Albani, uno degli sviluppatori di […]
ARKit is going to be a lot of fun while we wait for it to become useful
Expect the same Wild West approach in the early going of iOS 11. Sure, there will be a few polished ARKit apps, and some of those might break through the noise. (This Tesla Model 3 configurator demo seems pretty solid, for example, as does this example of a dance tutorial app.)
ARKit Augmented Reality Dance Practice App
Apple is getting serious about Augmented Reality with ARKit. It is a framework that allows iOS developers to come up with exciting AR experience for their users. Take the Dance Reality app for instance. Built using Apple’s ARKit, this app helps you practice dance steps at home.More gadgets like this: here You will just have …